
Upcoming for the UK Powershell User Group

Coming up in February are two events for the UK Powershell User Group. Following the Technet Event Managing Windows Servers with Powershell V2 on Feb 10th at Microsoft London there will be a Powershell UserGroup meeting. My good friend Jonathan Noble will be travelling down all the way from the North of England to present for us about using Powershell to automate tasks in the large University environment he works in - well worth turning up for.

Tech.ed Day 0 - (aka geek week as its now known in the Medd house)

So I’m out in Barcelona for my first Tech.ed, really looking forward to it kicking off tomorrow: Tip #1: Don’t lift a chest of drawers up the stairs the day before going, its not good to travel with a back strain. I’m seriously hoping this wears off quickly Tip #2: Strike up conversations with Tech looking people, so far: At the airport car park I was waiting for a bus with one guy carrying a Tech.