Want to become a maintainer of PowervRA or PowervRO?

When Craig and I first created PowervRA and PowervRO in 2016 we only initially thought about using them for our own purposes, since we were on a project at the time which required heavy use of automation around vRA and vRO. When we decided to put them out into the community we never expected them to become as popular as they have done.

It was a fun experience for us, both in learning about collaborating, developing and releasing a PowerShell module, and the benefits it was bringing to our own jobs. In the last year or so both of our careers have moved away from these technologies somewhat and consequently the amount of attention we have been able to give to these projects has dropped. So we are seeking up to two additional maintainers for the each project.

We would like to onboard some extra help via these maintainers who would be able to contribute both new content that the project needs and also to speed up the response to community raised issues and pull requests.

If you are interested in being considered, then please reply to either of the below issues:

