PowerShell ISE: Not Installed By Default in Windows Server 2008 R2

PowerShell 2 is installed by default in Windows Server 2008 R2. However, the other day I went on to a server with this OS and went to use the PowerShell ISE (which I switched to as my default console a year ago) and found that it wasn’t there:

Turns out that the ISE is not installed by default and needs to be added as a Feature:

This is different to a manual install of PowerShell 2 on Windows 2008 / 2003 where the ISE is included as part of the Windows Management Framework Install.

The reason I hadn’t noticed this earlier was that most of the Windows Server 2008 R2 servers I have been working with recently all had Exchange 2010 installed which seems to include the ISE as part of the installation.

Update 19/02/11:

Thanks to the reminder in the comments from Osin Grehan about the ServerManager module in Windows Server 2008 R2, you can get this feature installed via PowerShell.

Import-Module ServerManager Add-Windowsfeature PowerShell-ISE